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Search by KEYWORDS in Titles, Author names, Subject Headings, and Notes.

Type keywords in box, select limits if any, then click SEARCH.

To narrow searches, connect words with AND and NOT and use exact phrases.
To broaden searches, connect words with OR. Use * to truncate words.

EXAMPLES (more information and examples are below):
  • writ* and brief
  • (civil and rico) and not puerto Rico

  • model business corporation act
  • trial practice or trial advocacy

Select criteria to limit search, if any:
YEAR of publication: After and/or Before
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Keyword Search Help
Click here for more information on Keyword Searching.
  Explanations Examples
ADJACENCY   Multiple words are searched together as one phrase.      United States supreme court

federal civil procedure

TRUNCATION     Words may be right-hand truncated using an asterisk. Use a single asterisk * to truncate from 1-5 characters. Use a double asterisk ** for open-ended truncation.      bank* [will pick up bank and banking, but not bankruptcy]

bank** [will pick up bankruptcy as well]

OPERATORS   Use "and" or "or" to specify multiple words in any field, any order. Use "and not" to exclude words. Parentheses group words together when using Boolean operators.     (annotated bibliography) and child*

(alaska or canada) and (adventure not vacation)

PROXIMITY   Use "near" to specify words close to each other, in any order. Use "within #" to specify terms which occur within # words of each other in the record.      california near university

america within 3 econom*

FIELDS   Specify fields to search with field abbreviation. Fields available for this database are a: (author), t: (title), s: (subject), and n: (notes and additional keywords) (a:twain) and (t:huck*)

(a:united and a:states) and (s:handicapped or s:disabled)

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